Luke Potter Music

News From The Sweet Factory

So its’ been pretty difficult writing and recording with friends during 2020. Despite all this I’m pretty excited by some of the music I’ve been working on in my Sweet Factory studio. First up, I’m continuing to work with my bro, Jacob Browne, who is so talented. Seems people are really picking up on the songs and excited to say that one of our earlier songs, ‘Meet Me By The River’ now has 130,000 streams – amazing for an indie artist!
His latest single is ‘Can’t Seem To Let You Go’ is out now and is being followed by ‘Tidal Wave’ that is released on November 20th. I was fortunate to have produced and also co-written both with Jacob. Please go check them out on Spotify at:



Also out now is the debut single from a new band, Southridge Heights, called ‘Back And Forth’ that I co-wrote with my friend Jamie Coupe and I produced. You can hear it here:



Lastly, I’ve been recording with an amazing solo artist, Tye, from Bristol. His first single, is going out in January and it’s awesome so look out for that one too!
More sooooooooon! x

More Music! ‘In Another Life’

In Another Life

My new single is out today (16th October, 2020) through LMG|Outfly. It’s called ‘In Another Life’ and its about falling in love with someone at the wrong time and thinking how it might have all been different in another life!

Please click here  and don’t forget to add it to your playlists and share. Thanks x

New Music

So I just signed a deal with Swedish label, LMG Outfly, to release new music. There’s a whole batch of new singles scheduled for release over the next few months starting with ‘Somebody Else’ on September 11th, 2020. It’s a new start and I’m pretty excited about things!

Here’s the pre-release link: