Luke Potter Music

March News and Updates

Well, it’s been a crazy 3 months!

January started with the filming of my Video ‘Breathe In’ (now up on YouTube), it was great fun doing this, particularly because I was joined by great musicians Stell, George and James. We gelled straight away.  In fact there could be more news coming from this later this year so watch this space…..

I’ve just finished 6 weeks of UK School Tours. I love doing these and the response I’ve got from all the schools has been amazing.

In amongst all this I did lots of interviews with US based magazines and radio stations. And my ‘One Day’ got some awesome reviews which you can read some of on my Reviews page here on my website. Thanks, as ever, to HighWire Daze, Krankit, Olympic, Red Velvet Radio, Jammin Jukebox, Bruce Brodeen, Pete Amara, CMC-TV and everyone who’s supported me 🙂

Now it’s head down to make sure the songs I’m going to record next month in LA are the best that they can be. It’s really exciting getting everything ready and knowing it won’t be long and I can share new music with you.

Even managed to record a new song called ‘Church Bells’ which I’m really happy with so hoping to upload that for people to hear early May time.

I’m also shooting a video for my song ‘Confession’ in March and my EP, ‘One Day’  with bonus track, is now available on iTunes now.

Oh, and I’ve now got to 10,000 FaceBook ‘Followers’ which is awesome 🙂 Thanks Guys